The underarm bag has been popular replica handbags for a long time, but it is still very popular today. If you go to the street, you will find that at least 5 out of 10 people have underarm bags on their backs.
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The reason why the underarm bag is popular is because it is eye-catching enough, it looks good on the shoulder and on the shoulder, and it also has a good concave shape. And it is very suitable for small people, which can move the visual center of gravity up and show longer legs.
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This year, the popularity of this element is still unabated, and many brands have successively launched pleated style items.
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There are also bags of the shopping bag version that are very popular recently. I believe you have seen these two bags from LV and DIOR. They are big enough and fashionable enough!
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Many people will ask, the mini purse can't hold anything, why should I buy it? Who said it can be cute and fashionable!
Moreover, the mini bag is also divided into different sizes. Like Gucci's supermini marmont, it can also hold mobile phones, lipsticks, etc., which is very practical.